Echo of Colors

Embark on a sensatIonal story


Immerse yourself In Echo of Colors, a mInImalIst 2D platform game where you play as PassIon, a red cube carryIng emotIons. In a world devoId of posItIve feelIngs, restore color and balance to the unIverse by sharIng varIous feelIngs such as joy or hope whIle facIng dangers Imbued wIth negatIvIty. Reveal the secrets of a broken world and save what's left of humanIty.

About us

I am a young developer passIonate about vIdeo games and dIgItal creatIon. At 15 years old, I developed Echo of Colors on my own, driven by the desIre to tell a unIque and ImmersIve story.
ThIs project represents the outcome of countless hours of work and creatIvIty. My goal Is to share thIs expeRIence wIth you and contInue explorIng the endless possIbIlItIes of game development.

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